Apart from processing and making OEM documents available, we have extensive experience in creating technical documentations.
We offer know-how and appropriate software solutions for creating structured (SGML/XML) as well as unstructured (PDF) documents.
In addition to our S1000D Editing System we create customer-specific editing solutions, such as, for example, an electronic jobcard system in the field of engine maintenance for aircraft.
MS Word and MS Excel are the universal standards for the creation of documentations. Integration of MS Office into our software solutions facilitates the design of the creation procedure, in particular for larger user groups, by using available user knowledge and also keeps training costs within limits.
We supplement the created documents with meta data, if necessary, which prepares them for use in a networked environment. To ensure long-term archiving we convert the Office documents after release with the help of our tool EavPDF into PDF/A.
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